TR-T0170 PTV Visum - Simulation Based Assignment for Mesoscopic and Hybrid Modelling

Short Description

Simulation-based dynamic assignment (SBA) is a dynamic assignment procedure that accounts for node impedances and allows users to model the forming and dissolving of queues over time. The supply and demand may be varied over time. Unlike other dynamic assignment procedures in Visum, the network is loaded with demand based on a simulation. This means that individual vehicles are simulated and a simple car following model is applied to have the vehicles follow the paths they are assigned. The procedure is suited for medium-sized and large networks whose network model and demand are suitably modelled for dynamic applications.

Course Level


Target Group

This course addresses to experienced PTV Visum users from all disciplines.


You successfully participated in our basic course "PTV Visum - Introduction to Macroscopic Network Modelling" (TR-T0101) or have similar experience with PTV Visum.


1 day


  • Introduction to the Fundamentals of SBA
  • SBA Setup: Learn the essential steps to set up and run SBA in your projects.
  • Hybrid Macro-Meso Modelling: Understand how to combine macroscopic and mesoscopic models for comprehensive traffic analysis.
  • 3D Visualization and SBA Result Analysis

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