TR-T0259 PTV Vissim - User-Defined Attributes and Attribute Modifications (US)

Short Description

In this four-hour course you will learn and apply the principles of PTV Vissim’s dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) methods; learning how to generate a micro-simulation model from origin-destination data, search new routes and find convergence for the demand distribution.
Participants will also be introduced to some travel demand modeling fundamentals.

Course Level


Target Group

Experienced PTV Vissim Users or Traffic engineers from cities and engineering firms who need to impliment custom logic within PTV Vissim.


You successfully participated in one of our basic courses or have similar experience with PTV Vissim.


4 hours

Due to organizational and local conditions, the duration of the course may vary. Please note the details of your chosen course date before booking.


  • Creating and utilizing static user-defined attributes
  • Configuring vehicle attribute decisions based on default and user-defined attributes
  • Configuring formula-based routing to dynamically control vehicles based on specific attributes or network conditions
  • Configuring and utilizing attribute modifications to dynamically update network infrastructure and vehicle behavior based on simulation conditions

Next Course Dates

The courses below are the next scheduled course dates. Check our training calendar to see all available dates or contact us if you do not find a suitable date.

PTV Vissim - User-Defined Attributes and Attribute Modifications (US)
Course description
Course language : English
Online (10:00 AM - 02:00 PM PDT)
North America , Online
Price ( ex VAT ):
300,00 US$
Total Price:
300,00 US$
(0% VAT included )