TR-T0215 PTV Vissim – Microscopic Simulation for Automotive Engineering

Short Description

In this course, we show you how the microscopic simulation can be used for automotive engineering; How you can reproduce the connected & autonomous vehicles (CAV) behavior using internal model, how you can build the virtual environment where you can test your e.g. safety logic, fuel-saving model, fleet operation system, and how you can couple your external script/model/software as system under test.

The course will make use of the COM interface as well as the API package with Driver Model Interface, Driving Simulator Interface and external emissions model.

Course Level


Target Group

Experienced Vissim users who want to understand how to model CAV behavior or virtual test environments with PTV Vissim for the purpose of automotive engineering.


You successfully participated in our basic course "PTV Vissim - Introduction to Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation" (TR-T0201) or have similar experience with PTV Vissim. Basic programming knowledge is required.

This course will be given with a focus on programming examples with Python and C/C++. With sufficient general programming experience, you should be able to follow the course even if you don't master the programming language used by the teacher.


2 Days


Day 1

1. Introduction

  • Purpose of automotive engineering/developmen
  • Benefit of traffic simulations for the virtual test
  • Vissim application for automotive industry
  • How to reproduce CAVs behavior
    (comparison between internal model, COM, API, DSI)

2. Internal model training

  • Wiedemann’s car following model
  • Adaptive Cruise Control model
  • Lane change & Lateral behavior model
  • Special setting for CAV (EABD, stochastics, platooning)
  • Driver errors (Lack of attention, Distraction, Misestimation)

3. COM training

  • COM Interface overview
  • Basic commands
  • Speed Camera
  • On-demand taxi
  • V2I Optimal speed


Day 2

4. API training – Emission model

  • Emission model overview
  • Custom emission model

5. API training – Driver model

  • Driver model overview
  • Custom following model
  • Custom lane change model

6. DSI training

  • Driving Simulator Interface overview
  • Driving Simulator Text Client
  • Live In Unity example
  • External software example (like CarMaker, PreScan and so on)
  • Build-in functionality to co-simulate with Vissim

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