TR-T0270 PTV Vissim User Defined Attributes, Attribute Modifications and COM using Python

Short Description

Do you want to automate scenario calculations or does modelling in PTV Vissim come up against the limits of the software? The purpose of this course is to show you how to extend PTV Vissim capabilities by means of the COM interface.

The course starts with an introduction to Python and COM. Numerous examples will help you to become quickly familiar with COM programming in PTV Vissim.

Course Level


Target Group

This course addresses to experienced PTV Vissim users from all disciplines. In addition, programming experience is recommended.


You successfully participated in our basic course "PTV Vissim - Introduction to Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation" (TR-T0201) or have similar experience with PTV Vissim. Basic programming knowledge is required.

This course will be given with a focus on programming examples with Python. With sufficient general programming experience, you should be able to follow the course even if you don't master the programming language used by the teacher.


1 day


User-Defined Attributes and Attribute Modifications

  • Creating and utilizing static user-defined attributes
  • Configuring vehicle attribute decisions based on default and user-defined attributes
  • Configuring formula-based routing to dynamically control vehicles based on specific attributes or network conditions
  • Configuring and utilizing attribute modifications to dynamically update network infrastructure and vehicle behavior based on simulation conditions

Introduction to COM Interface using Python

  • Explanation of the COM interface
  • Introduction to the programming language Python
  • Working with COM documentation and online help
  • Modification of Vissim objects before and during the simulation on the basis of practice examples

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