TR-T0104 Visum PuT Line Performance Cost Calculation

Short Description

An essential step in evaluating existing or newly planned transport services is the determination of costs and revenues, for example, in the form of the line costing and revenue calculation.

On the first day of this two-day course, you will learn how to determine various types of costs on the basis of a network and timetable modeled in PTV Visum.  An important role is played here by the line blocking procedures, in other words, estimating the number of required vehicles.

On the second day, you will learn how to model a fare system, which will enable you to estimate the expected revenues and finally calculate the cost coverage.

Course level


Target Group

Employees from planning or controlling departments of authorities, transport operators or transport associations and engineering firms.


Ideally, you already have project experience in the public transport network and service planning. You should also have successfully completed our course "PTV Visum - Introduction to Modelling Public Transport" (TR-T0102) or "PTV Visum - Modelling Public Transport Networks and Combining Supply and Demand" (TR-T0103).


2 Days

Due to organizational and local conditions, the duration of the course may vary. Please note the details of your chosen course date before booking.


Day 1:

  • Principles in cost, revenue and cost coverage calculations
  • Basic line blocking procedure for calculating the required number of vehicles
  • Basic data of line blocking, e.g. valid days, depots, interlining trips
  • Modelling of infrastructure costs
  • Tabular and graphical presentation of results

Day 2:

  • Line blocking with vehicle interchange and consideration of demand
  • Modelling of different fare systems in PTV Visum
  • Consideration of the fare model in the assignment and the effect on route choice
  • Representation of revenues per OD pair
  • Tabular and graphical presentation of revenues and cost coverage based on operating branches, lines and territories
  • Illustrating example excercise

Next Course Dates

The courses below are the next scheduled course dates. Check our training calendar to see all available dates or contact us if you do not find a suitable date.

There are currently no courses available.

Related Courses:

PTV Visum - Introduction to Macroscopic Network Modelling

